One of the reasons that I love the new year is the chance to look back and evaluate. Another is the ability to look forward and make goals. One more is that the giant ball sparkles, which makes everyone happy. Even if you think it's stupid to have a giant Waterford crystal ball (what a rediculous waste of money!) fall from the sky and watch a really old man get a couple of seconds behind on the countdown (poor guy), you can't help but smile. Because it's sparkly. And it's New York City.
Anyway, my resolution last year was such a resounding success that I felt quite a bit of pressure to have a repeat occurrance this year. Last year, I resolved to make a new close friend. It was a prayer request, really, with the added resolve of "I'll do my part to make this happen." God gave me so many brand new incredible friendships that are more amazing than anything I could have asked or imagined (Ephesians 3:20-21). I am so amazingly blessed in the friends department. I really don't deserve these amazing people.
This year, I made two resolutions. The first one I have broken repeatedly thus far. It was not to hit the snooze button on my alarm in the mornings. I waste so much time doing that. It leaves my quiet times too short and makes me stressed before I even get to work. Grr. I'll try that one again tomorrow.
The second one is the real resolution. I have found myself getting comfortable in my life and my routine. I never want to be comfortable for the sake of comfort. I don't want to wake up one morning and realize that I have been making decisions by not making them, allowing life just to happen to me. I want to be proactive in seeking and following God's will for my life. I want every day to be lived on purpose, choosing to actively be a part of God's bigger picture, whether I understand it or not. Therefore, my resolution and prayer for 2007 is that God will show me some big decisions this year - ones that will impact the rest of my life and keep me on the path he has for me. If the goal God has given me is to end up working in an orphanage overseas, I need to find out what I should be doing now to prepare for the moment when God says that it's time for me to go. There are so many big decisions tied up in this, and I feel like I haven't made any sense. (If you're still reading, thanks!!!)
So, what resolutions and/or goals did you make for this year? Have you kept them so far?