Wednesday, December 7, 2005


I wish it would snow here. I always have a new appreciation for the whole "white as snow" metaphor when snow comes. The ugliest, tackiest things become beautiful because they are covered with the beauty of snow. There is no inherent beauty in these things. They cannot make themselves beautiful. But when snow falls, we see its beauty through these things. They provide the shape, the snow provides the beauty.

We provide the shape. God provides the beauty. We have no inherent good or beauty in ourselves, but because of God's grace and love, we are covered. And we become beautiful.

Sorry to get all wordy and mushy on you guys. It's just that all you people lucky enough to be up North were talking about snow and it started me thinking about why I love it so much.


Aidoo said...

And now you're up north..and you get to see the snow for yourself.

I loved this blog entry.

Rachel said...

Ah, yes. I'm up north. And yet, there is still no snow...