Saturday, March 25, 2006

My Top 8 Survey.

Okay, I never do these surveys, but I was bored and liked this one, so here you go! :-)

My Top 8 Survey:

1) How long have you known this person?: My whole life! She is my sister.
2) Where does this person live? Currently out of a backpack all over stinkin' Europe. So not fair.
3) What is this person's initials?: ADS
4) Why is this person in spot 1?: Because she's my favorite person on the whole planet, and my favorite thing in the whole world!
5) Where did you meet?: Probably the hospital in Florida where she was born.
6) How old is this person?: 21

1) Is this person older than 18? Yes.
2) Have you done anything illegal with this person? I seriously doubt it. Maybe speeding. Is Alien Head Gear illegal?
3) What is this person's stereotype: Blonde cheerleader? Even though she claims to be brunette.
4) What song(s) remind you of this person? Anything prior to 1999 or some sappy love song that we used to listen to while crying about Ryan. :-)
5) Do you trust him/her?: Most definitely.
6) How did you meet?: Environmental Science class with Mrs. Fiddler and the leaf project of death. Fun times.

1) When did you meet this person?: We were roommates together starting our sophomore year at Union. I'm sure we had met before then, but that's when we became friends!
2) Does he/she have any tattoos?: No, which really surprises me as much as she's hung around crazies like me. :-)
3) What school does this person go to?: She graduated from Union.
4) Is this person athletic?: ha ha She bought a baseball cap to wear when she plays sports, so I guess so! :-)
5) What do you like most about this person?: Although she is often slowed down by her commitment to practicality, she is one of the best friends I have ever had in my entire life, and desires to know God and do His will in a way that constantly inspires me.
6) How often do you hang out?: Never. Sad.

[PERSON FOUR]: Brittany
1) Who is this person's best friend?: Me! And her sister. :-)
2) Why is this person on your Top 8?: Because she is one of my best friends and seeing her smiling face everyday makes me smile, too!
3) When's the last time you saw this person?: Way too long ago. The day after I got off my crutches, whenever that was.
4) Does this person have a crush on anyone?: Why yes, yes she does. :-)
5) If you were to go to Six flags would you take this person?: Forget Six Flags. How about China?
6) How did you meet?: Through her punk boyfriend, Dave, I'm pretty sure.

[PERSON FIVE:] Jocelyn
1) What is your favorite thing about this person?: She isn't afraid of life and pursues happiness wholeheartedly.
2) What are this person's hobbies?: Dancing!!!
3) Does this person have a 4.0 GPA?: ha ha She's very smart, though!!!
4) What car does this person drive? One that is always broken.
5) How long do you want to stay in touch with this person? ALWAYS!!!


1) Have you seen this person's baby pictures?: No, actually.
2) What is one thing this person taught you?: That I am cool enough to be friends with the popular kids. :-)
3) What is one thing you taught them? I have no idea.
4) How old is this person?: Oooh... 26? 25?
5) Where did you meet?: We went to school together and our bands often played together!!!

1) Do you know this person's parents?: I know his mom.
2) What type of clothes does this person wear? Ones that are approximately 4 times too big for him. But he still manages to look cute. :-)
3) Have you been to his/her house? I feel like I practically live there.
4) What's your favorite memory with them?: He's my newest friend out of everyone in my top 8! But we've already made memories that will stay with me forever, and hopefully will continue to make many more. :-)
5) How did you Meet?: ha ha Funny story. In prison.

[PERSON EIGHT]: Greenwood
1)What is their favorite band? That's a funny question since they are a band!
2)Where does this person work? They are full time musicians, supported by their lovely, hard working wives. :-)
3) What do you like most about this person? They are some of my favorite people in the whole world! Talk about memories. I learned so much about myself and who I am from being with them. They will always hold a priceless place in my heart.
4) When did you meet this person?: My sophomore year at Union.
5 Where is this person right now? Just outside of Baltimore, MD.

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