Friday, January 11, 2008

GoodSearch and GoodShop - Help Raise Money for One Vision International!

Many of you have probably heard of GoodSearch, but I wanted to tell you about it just in case you haven't. It's a great way to help raise money for your favorite charity, and it doesn't cost you a cent! Everytime you need to search for something online, go to instead of or or whatever search engine you currently use. Then, they donate one penny to your organization for every search you do!

One Vision International has just signed up for this program, so if you are not already using this to support another charity, please consider selecting One Vision as your favorite charity. (Simply visit and enter "One Vision" in the lower search bar underneath the box that says, "Who do you GoodSearch for?") If all One Vision's supporters use this only one time per day, we could raise over $1,000 this year! It may not seem like a lot, but a penny here and a penny there adds up very quickly.

It's really easy. You can even add it to your toolbar so that you don't have to go to the website everytime to do your search. Instructions for that download are here: It's a trusted organization that has been successfully helping charities raise thousands of dollars since its beginning. You can read tons of reviews on their website to learn more about their credibility.

Also, they have just added a new feature called GoodShop. You can access it from the same page, Just click on the shopping tab, then click on the link of your favorite store. They currently are partnered with people like Gap, Target, ebay,,, Barnes and Noble, PetSmart, Delta, Hotwire, Macy's, and more! When you access those stores sites through the GoodSearch page, the stores donate up to 37% of the purchase to your charity! It really is an amazing concept, and a really easy way to help increase funding for young organizations like One Vision International.

Please consider helping us out this way. It doesn't take any more effort than the search you're currently using, but it means so much more. Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions! Also, please feel free to copy this letter onto your own blog, post a bulletin, or send an e-mail to your friends and family asking them to support One Vision as well. The more people who use it, the bigger impact we have! Thanks everyone.

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